Zephyranthes y Habranthus robustus: ¿son la misma planta?

Tema en 'Zephyranthes' comenzado por JHONATAN, 11/5/09.

  1. Alguien sabe que diferencia hay entre Habranthus robustus y zephirantes o es que ambos nombres se refieren a la misma planta?
  2. santo2010


    Buenos Aires - Argentina
    Re: alguien sabe?

    Son distintas, distinta especie. Muy similares, pero creo que varia el numero de cromosomas. Creo que se pueden diferenciar porque los Zeph. tienen los estambres de igual largo, y los Habranthus de distinto largo.
  3. Re: alguien sabe?

    Gracias santo, entonces tuve floraciones de alguno de los dos, lo malo es que no tome fotos para diferenciarlos.:5-okey:
  4. ganafa

    ganafa Love is in the air!!

    País: México
    Re: alguien sabe?

    Habranthus robustus (Rain lily, Zephyr lily, Fairy lily)

    [​IMG]Common Name: Rain lily, Zephyr lily, Fairy lily Synonyms: Zephyranthes robusta Genus: Habranthus Pale pink flowers pop up suddenly after a summer rainstorm and resemble small amaryllis flowers on this native of Brazil. In the proper conditions, they can multiply rapidly and carpet the garden.
    Noteworthy characteristics: This robust perennial is suited for southern gardens or greenhouse use, with attractive flowers held above the foliage.
    Care: Under glass, plant bulbs 3 to 4 inches deep, in soil-based potting mix with added grit and leaf mold, in full light. Water moderately as growth begins, and then freely in leaf. Reduce water as foliage dies back, and keep barely moist when dormant. Fertilize weekly when in bud. Outdoors, plant bulbs in spring with the necks above the soil surface. Grow in fertile, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil in full sun. Protect from excessive winter moisture.
    Propagation: Sow seed at 61°F as soon as it is ripe. Remove offsets in winter and pot up separately.
    Problems: Infrequent.

    Espero que te ayude!!