arbol grande, hojas grandes, frutos verdes

Tema en 'Identificar árboles' comenzado por huertasurbanas, 21/3/13.

  1. Hola, pasaba caminando por el centro de la ciudad y veo estos frutos caídos en el suelo, no tuve tiempo de traer alguna hoja, sólo estos frutos:


    el árbol es grande, no sé cuántos metros de altura... pero más de 10 supongo
  2. Se trata del Kiri, Pawlonia tomentosa

  3. Betina2010

    Betina2010 Marta

    Hola huertasurbanas... :happy:

    Perdón que intervenga, pero me interesaría saber más sobre los compuestos tóxicos de las Pawlonias... Tienes más información?
  4. Hola!

    Toda la información que tenía venía del link que dejé antes, allí se cita un libro, y en esa cita dice:

    "[222]Foster. S. & Duke. J. A. A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants. Eastern and Central N. America.
    A concise book dealing with almost 500 species. A line drawing of each plant is included plus colour photographs of about 100 species. Very good as a field guide, it only gives brief details about the plants medicinal properties. "

    Ahora no tengo tiempo para traducir, pero te pego estas otras investigaciones en inglés, podés traducirlas con google translator, caso contrario pedime y lo hago:

    "Beautiful tree, grows well here in Missouri. Two big benefits, it grows quickly and provides great shade, the other is the leaves/blooms are non-toxic. The leaves are used for cattle feed, so you do not have to worry about your pets with this tree. It does not freely reproduce here and is a rapid grower if planted correctly.

    Read more:"

    Acá dice que no es tóxica:


    Enriched in nutrients, paulownia leaves and flowers were good fodder for pigs, chicken, sheep, cattle and rabbits and so on. Results indicated that there were no any symptom of toxicity appeared.

    pero acá dice que puede ser tóxica:

    y acá dice que no es tóxica:

    In addition to protein, paulownia leaves contain calcium, plus trace amounts of iron, zinc and phosphorus. Sedeer El-Showk and Nabil El-Showk, of the Center for Sustainable Forestry, suggest that not only can animals feed on paulownia leaves, but that the animals will eat them in preference to other fodder.

    Food From Paulownia
    Empress tree leaves are also palatable to humans and can be eaten in salads or brewed into tea. The tree's flowers attract insect pollinators, including bees, who transform the nectar into a good-tasting honey.

    Paulownia is noted for its vigor and fast growth and in some places it is considered an invasive species. However, it is also renowned for its beautiful, pale purple flowers, which are sweetly fragrant.
  5. Betina2010

    Betina2010 Marta

    Gracias por aclarame el punto, pero como es la primera vez que escucho que las Pawlonias tienen elementos tóxicos, te hice la pregunta... :5-okey: